Corrupt Government Files: John Hickenlooper- Gun control

The current Governor of the state of Colorado will soon be signing legislation to put a ban on magazines with a certain capacity.  Many politicians are using school shootings and other shootings to advocate strong gun control.  I find it sickening that they would take the deaths of children, and twist them to meet their own wicked desires.  This is proof that certain the government is trying to disarm the American people.  These same people would like to take away other human rights, such as the freedom of speech.  They wonder why school shootings have gone up.  They say that it is because of lax gun policies.  Let me tell you this my fellow anons and my readers.   They like for sheeple to think that its like this

School and other shootings are the result of the fact that you can get a gun easily, therefore stricter gun laws are needed because since we have the right to bear arms, and that involves guns, we need to take away the guns.  I have found a different pattern which makes more sense

instead of it being because you can get a gun ( which i will explain why it should be relatively easy to obtain firearms legally in a few)  It is because of gun control.  Think about it !

There are more and more school shootings , even though there are laws preventing you from bringing a firearm into a school or federal building.  Remember that word  YOU… YOU  are not a criminal so  YOU  do not bring your firearm into those places.  A CRIMINAL doesn’t give a rats arse about a sign.  To them it equals sitting ducks.  No sign has ever stopped a criminal form committing a crime.  If it did we wouldn’t hear in the news how someone shot up a school, or robbed a store or restaurant we would be hearing in the news ” sign stops shooter”  50 years ago there were no laws like this in place.  Crime was lower back then, because they knew odds are someone is going to be armed!  I have an associate who owns his own business.  He allows his employees to carry a gun , in fact it is MANDATORY in the company policy.  I know what your saying ” but thats unfair” well its unfair that I am not allowed to bring my gun to work, because that’s discriminatory as well, its a two sided sword people!, and yet…..HIS STORE NEVER GETS ROBBED……..SEE THE PATTERN?

Work places say if they let people bring guns to work it could easily start a work place shooting.  Yes this may happen, but guess what!?! If you allowed all your other workers to carry a gun they could defend themselves.  If a disgruntled former or current employee wants to do a workplace shooting, your sign will not stop them, they are already committing freaking murder people, they don’t care about getting fired.  So I find it pretty irresponsible you do not allow your customers, or your employees the means to defend themselves, which are guaranteed to them by not only a FEDERAL CONSTITUTION! but also  A STATE CONSTITUTION!

That is all for now, thank you for reading, I hope that I have informed you to the fullest extent of my ability.  Provided below is a link to the publicly available source I acquired this information from 🙂