White Hat Hacker Bug Bounty Program

As you all know I am studying to be a white hat hacker. College is expensive, no matter where you go. Sometimes a part time job isn’t enough. If you are a college student studying to be a programmer or a white hat hacker, I suggest this to you. Simply search bug bounty program on your favorite search engine, and you will find the information needed. Sites like Facebook and Mozilla Firefox offer rewards to white hat hackers who find a bug in their system that allows them to be hacked. Any information gathered through the bug will not be used against you, they will not press any charges or launch any investigation ( you will not go to prison, thats always a big plus ! ) and they will even pay you depending on the severity of the bug or exploit you find. ( minimum 500 dollars the maximum report so far has been 10,000 dollars) I will even put links to some sites and companies bug bounty program below.





